My Opinions on different linux distros and operating systems

Table of Contents


Everything in this blog post is based on my opinion and experiences and it is not intended to hurt anyone <3

List of distros and operating system


Devuan is a derivative of Debian without systemd.

I didn’t like this distro very much (mostly because I don’t like Debian and Debian based distros), the package manager apt is pretty slow compared to other linux package managers such as pacman and xbps. Packages are also pretty outdated.


Arch is a independent rolling release distro.

Packages in the official repos are rarely ever outdated. It also has access to the AUR where you can basically find any software that supports linux. The AUR is maintained by the users which makes it a lot easier to port a package to it. However this does have some downsides such as unmaintained/broken packages, malware(this is not very common ,but it can happen) etc. Arch’s package manager called pacman is also very fast and supports paralell downloads. Overall Arch is a good distro with only one major downside which is of course systemd


Artix is a rolling release distro based on Arch.

Artix has all the great benefits of Arch, but without systemd!!, you have the choice of 5 different init systems on Artix ,but I have only tried the runit init system. The only slight downside to Artix is that the packages are updated a day or two after Arch ,but it is not a very big issue. Unlike Arch, Artix has a simple and fast gui installer which some people may prefer. This was my main distro for quite a long time and I like it quite a bit. I recommend this distros for most non-beginners


Void is a independent stable rolling release distro.

Packages in the official repos are usually couple weeks behind upstream which is a pretty bad thing. No closed-source packages can be found in the default repos which is great however you can install closed-source software by adding their official nonfree repo. The packages available on the main repos are also pretty limited. However Void has something similar to the AUR called xbps-src which contains some additional packages ,but unlike the AUR you have to compile the packages yourself which may take a while.

Void does have some great benefits such as using the very minimal and fast init system called runit instead of the bloated mess which is systemd. Void also has a Musl edition which uses a much more minimal and secure C library instead of glibc. The package manager on void called xbps is really fast however it does not support parallel downloads. Void also comes with a very simple and fast installer. Void is pretty decent distro ,but I stopped using it due to the outdated packages


Fedora is a stable semi-annual release distro funded by Redhat, but maintained by the community(not really lol). I have no intention of using distro again mainly because its supported controlled by a corporation and not individuals. It has a lot of undesirable things such as systemd, gnome, wayland and other future feature-creeps.

However despite these negatives Fedora does have some positives. Fedora has a pretty big community so its pretty easy find help on any communication platform, Fedora also rolls out bugfixes, kernel updates and security fixes pretty fast which is awesome, however you have to keep in mind that Fedora is “stable” distro and thus you will not be getting any major feature updates in Fedora for most packages. Fedora also has a very straight-forward and simple installer which is great for beginners. Fedora also different flavours of distro with different desktop environments called “Spins” which makes it very easy for beginners to switch to linux and still have a familiar desktop experience.

Fedora also has something similar to the AUR called Copr, but I did not use it during my time using Fedora therefore I cannot say much about it

I do not like Fedora very much due to the negatives (mainly the corporation control) however, this is a great distro for beginners (aslong as you install one of the “Spins” instead of the default Gnome DE)

Ubuntu/Ubuntu based distros

Ubuntu is a coporate controlled hellhole a stable annual release distro made by Canonical. Like many linux users my first ever linux distro was Ubuntu and I do not like it at all. Ubuntu is also a corporate controlled distro like Fedora ,but unlike Fedora it has even bigger downsides which make it even worse. Ubuntu has all the downsides that Fedora has plus some added bonus downsides. Ubuntu uses the same package manager as Debian which is pretty slow.

Ubuntu also forces the users to use their own universal (not universal at all lmao) package format called snap by default, it is one of the worst ways to install software on to a linux system please for the sake of your computers boot time and resources please do not use this. snap is very buggy, slow, uses a lot of system resources, freezes and crashes a lot, which is why I initially though linux was buggy and unstable (both of which are not true) and for a added bonus this depends on systemd to function. It is quite easy for a experienced user to remove snap from the system and use a somewhat usable desktop, but for a new user (a lot of new users start with Ubuntu if you didnt know) it will be very frustrating due to snap.

Ubuntu is also entirely managed by a corporation unlike Fedora which is atleast somewhat slightly managed by its community.

Ubuntu also has outdated packages just like Debian which is its parent distro. I recommend that you do not use Ubuntu for anything


I will write a seperate blog post about my experience with FreeBsd <3 (my experience with FreeBsd has been very positive though :D )


Windows is so shitty and useless, that I don’t even need to explain why c: